
I am a School of Engineering Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT working with Loza Tadesse. I study molecular, physical, and mechanical properties of biological cells and tissues using optical microscopy and spectroscopy. I analyze and correlate these features to enable us to better understand complex interplay and dynamics of biological systems.

I obtained my PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University with Ishan Barman. I previously worked at the mechatronics R&D center of Samsung Electronics, where I worked on developing wafer and photomask inspection systems.


2024/10I am attending the Rising Stars in Mechanical Engineering workshop at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA
2024/09I received Diversity Travel Award to attend the Brillouin Summer School at Wayne State University in Detroit, MI
2024/08I am attending the NextProf Nexus workshop at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI
2024/06I am presenting a poster at the SB3C Future Faculty Session in Lake Geneva, WI
2023/11My work on “Raman Imaging & Machine Learning-based Human Renal Amyloid Detection” is featured as the cover art of Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry November issue
2023/09My work on “Label-free Characterization of Therapy-induced Senescence” is featured on Johns Hopkins Hub and Johns Hopkins News Letter

Selected Publications

Label‐Free Visualization and Morphological Profiling of Neuronal Differentiation and Axonal Degeneration through Quantitative Phase Imaging, Advanced Biology (2024)DOI
RaMALDI: Enabling Simultaneous Raman and MALDI Imaging of the Same Tissue Section, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2023)DOI
Noninvasive Morpho-molecular Imaging Reveals Early Therapy-induced Senescence in Human Cancer Cells, Science Advances (2023)DOI
Non-Perturbative Identification and Subtyping of Amyloidosis in Human Kidney Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning, Biosensors (2023)DOI

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