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Utilizing Pulse Dynamics for Non-invasive Raman Spectroscopy of Blood Analytes

Maciej S Wróbel, Jeong Hee Kim, Piyush Raj, Ishan Barman, Janusz Smulko

Published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2021 | DOI:

Nanotheranostic Probe Built on Methylene Blue Loaded Cucurbituril [8] and Gold Nanorod: Targeted Phototherapy in Combination with SERS Imaging on Breast Cancer Cells

Nisha Narayanan, Jeong Hee Kim, Hema Santhakumar, Manu M Joseph, Varsha Karunakaran, Shanmughan Shamjith, Giridharan Saranya, Palasseri T Sujai, Ramapurath S Jayasree, Ishan Barman, Kaustabh Kumar Maiti

Published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021 | DOI:

Surface‐enhanced Raman Scattering: An Emerging Tool for Sensing Cellular Function

Swati Tanwar, Jeong Hee Kim, Jeff WM Bulte, Ishan Barman

Published in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 2022 | DOI:

Non-Perturbative Identification and Subtyping of Amyloidosis in Human Kidney Tissue with Raman Spectroscopy and Machine Learning

Jeong Hee Kim, Chi Zhang, Christopher John Sperati, Serena M Bagnasco, Ishan Barman

Published in Biosensors, 2023 | DOI:

Noninvasive Morpho-molecular Imaging Reveals Early Therapy-induced Senescence in Human Cancer Cells

Arianna Bresci1, Jeong Hee Kim1, Silvia Ghislanzoni, Francesco Manetti, Lintong Wu, Federico Vernuccio, Chiara Ceconello, Salvatore Sorrentino, Ishan Barman, Italia Bongarzone, Giulio Cerullo, Renzo Vanna, Dario Polli

Published in Science Advances, 2023 | DOI:

Hyperspectral Raman Imaging for Automated Recognition of Human Renal Amyloid

Jeong Hee Kim, Chi Zhang, C John Sperati, Ishan Barman, Serena M Bagnasco

Published in Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry, 2023 | DOI:

FluoMALDI Microscopy: Matrix Co-Crystallization Simultaneously Enhances Fluorescence and MALDI Imaging

Ethan Yang1, Xinyi Elaine Shen1, Hoku West-Foyle, Tae-Hun Hahm, Maxime A. Siegler, Dalton R. Brown, Cole C. Johnson, Jeong Hee Kim, LaToya Ann Roker, Caitlin M. Tressler, Ishan Barman, Scot C. Kuo, Kristine Glunde

Published in Advanced Science, 2023 | DOI:

RaMALDI: Enabling Simultaneous Raman and MALDI Imaging of the Same Tissue Section

Ethan Yang1, Jeong Hee Kim1, Caitlin M Tressler, Xinyi Elaine Shen, Dalton R Brown, Cole C Johnson, Tae-Hun Hahm, Ishan Barman, Kristine Glunde

Published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2023 | DOI:

Experimental Validation for the Interconversion between Generalized Kelvin–Voigt and Maxwell Models Using Human Skin Tissues

Jeong Hee Kim, Daejong Yang, Seungman Park

Published in Journal of Biomechanics, 2024 | DOI:

Label-free Visualization and Morphological Profiling of Neuronal Differentiation and Axonal Degeneration through Quantitative Phase Imaging

Jeong Hee Kim, Aysel Cetinkaya-Fisgin, Noah Zahn, Mehmet Can Sari, Ahmet Hoke, Ishan Barman

Published in Advanced Biology, 2024 | DOI:

Label-free Plasmonic Spectral Profiling of Serum DNA

Peng Zheng1, Piyush Raj1, Le Liang1, Lintong Wu, Santosh Kumar Paidi, Jeong Hee Kim, Ishan Barman

Published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2024 | DOI:


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Conference Proceeding talk 3 on Relevant Topic in Your Field




Grader, 2012 - 2013
Undergraduate course, College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Course information available at Course Listing

Bioinspired Science and Technology

Teaching Assistant, 2019
Undergraduate and graduate course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Course information available at Course Listing

Introduction to Biophotonics

Teaching Assistant, 2020
Undergraduate and graduate course, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Course information available at Course Listing

Imaging in Biomedical Applications

Course Instructor, 2020 - 2021
Undergraduate course, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Course information available at Course Listing

Introduction to Bioimaging

Course Instructor, 2022
Undergraduate course, Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Course information available at Course Listing